Contest Winning Elijah’s Chair


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Kise Eliyahu carved by hand from solid African Walnut with details depicting the seven species of Israel – wheat, barley, grapes, figs, pomegranates, olives, and dates. Deep exposed joinery. Pomegranates carved above the sides Design in conjunction with the Rabbi Ario and Tess Hyams Judaica Museum in Roslyn Heights, NY. Please call for pricing information or customization options to suit your needs, style, and budget.

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Magnificent Wood Carved Elijah’s Chairs

Although its twin has been sold to the Museum and Synagogue aas part of the competition, this Elijah’s chair is currently available for sale and can be shipped out within days.  Most available work, particularly this piece, has been generously discounted.  Each Kise shel Eliyahu is built individually from the finest materials by Bass Synagogue Furniture jewish craftsmen.   We are proud to offer solid hardwood with strong, beautiful joinery, and durable finish.  Each bears unique hand carving or glass detail work.

Contact us for more information regarding this Elijah’s Chair or custom work to suit your needs, style, and budget requirements.

Dimensions: 180h x 62w x 58d cm

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Elijah's Chair - Kise Eliyahu

Bass Synagogue Furniture designs and produces Elijah's Chair that are currently available and can be shipped out immediately. We also offer custom Kise Elijahu to suit the needs of any community. Crafted from solid wood with strong joinery and precision equipment, assures that each Kise Eliyahu will be treasured for generations. You can choose from a variety of wood stain finishes and high quality fabrics in any color. Contact us for most up to date availability and custom design inquiries.

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