Shaped Glass Seder Plate


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This unique Passover Seder Plate is hand-carved in African Walnut by Gabriel Bass. The unique design raises the plate above the table on three hand blown glass legs. The glass tray is shaped in the kiln at 770˚C, creating the six dishes for the species. The glass sets onto the plate, making for easy washing. The wood is finished with durable waterproof lacquer.

Diameter to 35 cm

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Ideal Judaica Wedding Gift

These solid wood African Walnut seder plates are individually carved by hand, making each a little different. They are currently available for sale in a dark or light finish and can be custom engraved for personalized options. Each Seder Plate is built individually from the finest materials at the Jewish Artist Center by Jewish craftsmen. We are proud to offer quality, made in Israel, Judaica at a discount price. Please contact us today for more information about this seder plate or custom judaica options and commissions.

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Seder Plate

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Glass, Walnut



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